Clarity Coach
Chrissy Boyce
Chrissy Boyce is the wife of a Pilot, mother of two adult children and Grandmother of two beautiful babies.
As a young high school dropout, Chrissy Boyce was the recipient of a job training program through The O.I.C. of Washington – A nonprofit organization that strives to eliminate unemployment, poverty, illiteracy, and racism.
The O.I.C. started her on a 22-year career in the dental field. She spoke about her success in this program in front of congress in her early twenties and was able to work her way off of state assistance, as a single mother, before her oldest child was in kindergarten.
Chrissy is the founder and CEO of Mind Clarity Coaching and the Director of Operations for a dental consulting company. She is a certified Breakthrough, Neuro-Transformational Results, and Forgiveness Coach as well as currently attending the Lisa Nichols Certified Transformation Trainer Program. Her passion is to help individuals overcome and persevere through life’s challenges energy healing and teaching positive mindset techniques and emotional intelligence.
Moments of clarity bring feelings of ease, contentment, relaxation, confidence, and excitement to name a few. Getting clear on our individual wants and needs, and how to attain them, will naturally create more successful and fulfilling life experiences.
As a result of working with Chrissy, people who suffer from a lack of motivation, confusion and feelings of overwhelm, are able to “de-junk” mental clutter, securely manage their emotions and gain the clarity and tools needed to create forward momentum and success in all areas of their lives.